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Dr. Kwok Shiu Ming


Dr. Kwok Shiu Ming, the Chairman of International Centre of Sakyamunis Culture Limited, is called “Rich Merchant Chevalier”.  It is not exaggerated to say that he is really the Chevalier.  Having a look on his past, words, and deeds, people would know Dr. Kwok is extraordinary.  He used to be a street boy in his childhood.  Then in the early 1970s, Dr. Kwok became a boxer to fight and drew a combat against Mr. Chan Wai Man, who was then a famous martial movie star as well as the boxing champion in Southeast Asia.  Besides that, Dr. Kwok acted as a Consul and Consulate Curator of the Republic of Mongolia in Hong Kong later on.  He has also been taking many international public duties and as a member of Asian Buddhist Peace Council.  He worked in more than 10 countries in Asia to advocate the causative condition and self-less doctrine according to Buddha Sakyamuni's wisdom.  He had very good and close relationships with many leaders across different countries.  Dr. Kwork is an International legend.

Dr. Kwok is not only a rich merchant but also an internationally known doctor of Buddhism.  He speaks wisely anytime.  For this reason, Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev, the Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, had invited him to develop Buddhism in the former Soviet Republics.  Dr. Kwok gave the former Soviet Republics a wise statement.  It was said that the policies of Soviet Republics had violated the law and properties of causality of the universe.  This statement impacted deeply so far.  Moreover, he donated much money to the development of Buddhism all over the world, so the government of Sri Lanka had awarded a national treasure to him.  It is so that Dr. Kwork became the first people who personally owned Buddha’s relics.  In 1988, he established the International Centre of Sakyamuni Culture in Hong Kong.  Later on, he helped his friend Mr. Tom Shek Lam, a wealthy merchant of Indonesian, to set up the first Chinese Sakyamuni Culture Centre in MeiZhou of Guangdong.  To circulate the Buddha culture, Dr. Kwok also translated the international famous literature “What the Buddha Taught” written by Dr. Ven. Walpola Rahula Mahathera and the international famous Buddhism masterpiece “What Buddhists Believe” to other languages, such as, Chinese, English, French, and German, which later were released globally.  Although Dr. Kwok has deep Buddhism knowledge and understanding, he does not admit or feel in the way that he is a Buddhist and even claims himself not having any religious beliefs at all.  From his perspective, Buddhism is not in the realm of religions.  Instead, it is a universal knowledge.  Buddha Sakyamuni was just to tell people what he had found from his apperception and let his disciples spread this knowledge.  Buddha Sakyamuni neither was concerned whether people believed the knowledge to be true nor had intended to establish a religion.  For this reason, Dr. Kwok does not admit that he is a Buddhist even though he has such proficient Buddhism knowledge.  At present, Dr. Kwok has many disciples following him to learn Buddhism knowledge.  His disciples include characters from the underworld and rich merchant from military and political circles.

Dr. Kwok is called “Rich Merchant Chevalier”, not only because of his wealth but also because he has the ability to help people gain health and investigate the environment, though his art of healing and geomancy are not reliable all the time.  He is often taciturn and introverted, but he speaks bluntly when he expresses his standpoint. His daring characteristic and merciless criticism make those brainless people existing in the name only and in the noble circles feel too ashamed to show their faces in front of him.  For example, there was an international nabob and he had someone invite Dr. Kwok to have dinner in the restaurant commonly called “Upper-Class Restaurant”.  However, Dr. Kwok listed his requirement for the invitation and he wanted Indian royal special rice, pollution-free spring water, tailor-made premium extra virgin soy sauce and over 70-year-old Pu’er tea as ingredients of the dinner.  Also, he wanted grape branches as the fuel for cooking.  Because of the harsh requirements, the invitation was canceled.  In the period of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in Hong Kong, Yeoh Eng-Kiong, the former Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, had ever denied that medication for SARS was wrong, but Dr. Kwok did not agree.  He challenged Secretary Yeoh to have a medical competition, that was, he suggested that he and Secretary Yeoh both to be injected with SARS virus and then had their own different treatments, the one who could recover first is the winner.  In August of 2005, there was a case of knife attacks on a kid.  Dr. Kwok personally prepared HKD100,000 for a reward of the one who could arrest the culprit and asked anyone from street society to help in such case.  Dr. Kwork believes “Stop Sins, Do Virtues, Mercy and Equality”, so he established Asian Fund for Agricultural Research and Development to have been cooperating with Chinese Culture Committee for Poverty Alleviation for over 10 years and hoped to do something for the development of China.  In addition, he worked very hard in several countries, like, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Mongolia, Vietnam, Nepal, and South America to assist the people who needed help.  He helped them to build medical motorcades, libraries, orphanages, schools, villages and Buddhism institutes.  On the other hand, he donated many necessities too.  Dr. Kwok himself thinks that he is still far from the target of epiphany and proof of the truth, according to what Buddha had taught Earthliness Practitioners the key points “have no attachment and let your hearts be free to give alms”.

Academically and behaviorally, Dr. Kwok utilizes American analysis and British management techniques to complete difficult daily and cultural works.  The outcome he pursues is to achieve the target of French elegant culture.  Furthermore, he adopts Jewish philosophical thought as his lifestyle, when his spiritual world depends upon Indian ethereal culture.

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