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My Lotus One is a spiritually inspired online store, focuses on providing solutions to people who are passionate about taking one step further from ordinary treatment towards their wellness goal through holistic approach.


We created the most spiritually connected portable aroma diffuser, Lotus One, which provides a perfect way to one who loves the energy of essential oils and is always on the go. It is beautiful, convenient, and healing. Especially with chakra-color lights on.


The gemstones and silver in our malas and bracelets are hand sourced from Jaipur, Northern India for their quality and luster. Each of our gorgeous mala and bracelet is hand strung in the heartland of India, New Delhi, and finished with a cruelty-free (ahimsa) silk tassel. The khadi (orgainic hand block printed) cloth for our product pouches is from small artisanal communities around India and there are works supplied to NGO's. You will like us if you believe in quality, fair trade, eco-friendly, social conscience, and non-violence.

How to find Inner Peace?  This was one of our big questions and then we stumbled upon the earliest Buddhist art - Greco-Buddhist Art.


Greco-Buddhist art was being rediscovered by a world-renowned Sculptor and Painter, Ven. Dr. Mapalagama Wipulasara Thera.  In 1989, ​Ven. Wipulasara composed twelve paintings depicting stories of Buddha himself during his life when he advocated compassionate and peaceful ways of living.


There are many ways to find inner peace. Although there is no wrong ways, some take longer paths than others. When you are one of those who is running around in circles and needs a way out, chance is like just let things go and accept. It could be as simple as just looking at a beautiful and meaningful art for a couple minutes everyday, and breathe.

Does quality sleep sound like a fantasy to you?


We all know that our body has the amazing power to repair and restore itself, especially while having a good sleep during the night. Unfortunately, getting quality sleeps could be a challenge to many of us for various reasons, and most of them are unknown.


It is such an excitement to us that we are not only be able to provide mattresses and pillows with high quality, but also integrated with the healing properties of our beloved natural crystals. The Biocrystal® technology is established, scientifically tested and proven to bring the wonderful benefits of crystals to the well-being of human, animal, and plant.


Can't wait to try the products? Check this out.

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