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Choosing Your Mala

Depending on the wearer, a mala can represent different meanings and serve different purposes. Choosing your 'perfect' mala can be overwhelming; however, nothing that needs to be sweat over. We are here to help.


What's your intention?

Traditionally, mala is a tool for chanting and meditation. The mala is going to be a personal, unique, and special tool for you, and you only. If you have a specific intention with your prayers or in your mind, you may choose the mala with beads and crystals that have the healing powers aligned with it. You may reference to that stated in product details for each mala.  Also, you may click here to learn more about each crystal.


Which mala you are first drawn to?

You will be surprised that the mala you are first drawn to is usually the one that meant to be for you. Although it sounds too easy, the is one of the best ways to choose a mala.  It could be the color, the stone, the shape, the design, or the yantra pendant of the mala, that attracts you and creating a connection between you and the mala.  Sometimes the energy is subtle, but sometimes it can be really strong.


What to get for your next mala?

Often times that you will become more confident on choosing your next mala.  Just a quick reminder: Think of what you are trying to manifest at the stage and what you will like to cultivate in yourself, you will be drawn to the one belongs to you intuitively.


Follow your heart

Your journey ahead is fascinating and enlightening. Remember, there is no wrong  way of choosing a mala.  Simply follow your heart and allow your heart and soul guide you through.

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