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  • Writer's picturemylotusone

Don't settle with "I'm fine, thanks."

Updated: Oct 31, 2018

Picture Quote of Spending time with loved ones is the best way to show you care, with 2 dragonflies over a lotus pond, black and white, by
Send this quote to someone who is always busy and need to slow down

Often times when people tell you, "I'm fine, thanks." -- Do you know if they really are fine?

In this modern world, we hardly allow ourselves enough time to truly listen to others. A couple days ago, I had a brief chat with my new friend over the phone. I felt super excited for her because of all the great things happening in her life. I couldn't wait to find out more the following day when we met.

After sitting down, we quickly dived into her joyful stories and great news again. What a cheerful afternoon! It was only until questions came out from my pure heart, I found out that every story has two sides. Behind the happiness, there was something else. She spent the rest of the afternoon talking about the challenges she had been facing, while I simply sat there and listened.

Although we both agreed that there was nothing that we could do to change the situation, we felt great after. She was relieved to be able to take off her guard for a while and share her other side of story, and I was grateful to know and understand more about my new friend.

So, next time when you hear "I'm fine, thanks", take out your Lotus One and diffuse Oola Friends essential oil blend, then start chatting.

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